Free gift that you have to work for. Is that what we call an oxymoron? Me thinks you would have to be a moron to swallow that line of reasoning.
Luo bou to
JoinedPosts by Luo bou to
C.O. visit means...stumping apostasy!
by RagingBull inthis week, our c.o.
is visiting the cong.
A thought about the "imperfect men" excuse for false teachings.
by WontLeave inin researching and writing this, a thought occurred to me.... has anyone ever asked this: if the society is "the faithful and discreet slave" of mat 24, they have been given authority over all of christ's belongings (including the people), are spirit-led and god's sole means of communication, and are entrusted with revealing "food at the proper time", why are they held to a lower standard than the "other sheep"?.
if they blatantly violate scripture, if they make false prophecies, if they reverse their decisions repeatedly, if they go way beyond what is written, if they hold a position for years or decades which is obviously and finally admitted to be false, they are given a total pass as "imperfect men" and "not infallible".
meanwhile, if you or i have a belief jws feel is "wrong" - we're not spirit-directed mouthpieces of god - why are we "apostates"?
Luo bou to
Remember the type and anti type articles that were once so prevalent in the WT. Articles that I believe were written my Freddy
Well there is one such article that was never written and never will be... one which would fit the GB perfectly.... " The anti type of the religious leaders of Jesus' day"
PS On second thoughts they may have written one and applied it to the churches
I don't get these women!
by serenitynow! inthe jw women who are willing to dump their husband if he ceases to believe.
especially if they have children, i mean what are they thinking?
do they think that it would be better to be a single parent?
Luo bou to
Problems developed with my marriage when my wife began to realize that I had no intentions of ever going back to the cancer. We went to see a psyche. He told her she had cognitive dissonance... that it would not matter what I said... That even if I spoke about the weather she would find fault. He told her that only she could change her perception of me. After that counseling session she changed... suddenly we were like a honeymoon couple again..... but it did not last very long. The dissonance was ...Should she trust her own judgment about me or what the Borg said I must be ( an evil person that can't be trusted) She also rejected our son and daughter. They moved out and lived with me. Thankfully I was able to save both myself and them from the cult mentality.
The WT says You can't have a happy marriage unless your both serving Jehovah the GB And they will ,with their propaganda, do their best to make sure you don't. As my psychologist said "All the Elders were in the marriage bed with my wife and I"
Were you ever DF'd? For what and how long?
by QuestioningEverything ini was df'd when i was 20 or so for fornication.
i got reinstated when i was 24. i had a son during that time and i was worried about us if we didn't get back to the fold and 'protection' of the organization.
Luo bou to
Yes For supporting my daughter's decision to not have the child of her rapist I continued to attend meetings for 7 months then they wanted me to apply for reinstatement I refused What's the point I was not repentant And if I did not need to be then the whole process is a farce.
All this talk of Jehovah giving us free will Where was my daughter's freewill to reject the religion I raised her in Yet I was expected to force her. No way Our children are not possessions to control and manipulate. Anyway she did me a favor Cause I smelt a rat and began to research and question the basis of my trust in the Org's claim to divine direction
Luo bou to
Snoozy I knew the couple before they moved to Toowoomba which was about 60 miles away
Aristeas Yes he was convicted and served time Not very long though .From memory The judge said something to the effect that there were circumstances about the case the truth of which may never be known
Are You The Type Of Person That Really "Loves" People On This Site?
by minimus ini know some here seem to truly be interested in everyone's welfare.
they seem to be really troubled/happy by another poster's health, life, children, job, sex life, worries, anxieties---you name it, they're very involved in "caring" about people that they hardly know.. i have forged some friendships, i've met some great people on this site.
i've communicated with many nice people here.
Luo bou to
Well I've never met anyone on this board but I can certainly relate to you. People who have never had our experience and try to help annoy me They just don't understand. I admire your courage and honesty in admitting you were damaged and your determination to be healthy I share your sorrow for the family you lost and your joy as you discover your authentic self. Love is a much maligned word in the English language We say we love our food sport beer dog etc But if you define love as action "Love is as love does" Then I can say if you want me to I would reach out and help anyone of you because I care about you ( no religious agenda) as I know many of you would do for me
Luo bou to
Christians will sin.
Sure but the JW's claim to be morally superior and constantly criticize other religions in their publications. They set themselves up.
Luo bou to
My ex and I knew the couple personally Both committed pioneers always used at assemblies as a role model They had no intentions of ever having children
Paragraphs 6 & 7 read: "A post mortem found no injuries that could have caused her death, but blood and tissue tests revealed she ha d ingested three anti-depressants - Aropax [Paxil], Parnate and Effexor, the court heard.
Her husband had been prescribed the drugs for depression in the preceding month Mr Rutledge said.
______________________________________________________________________________Husband killed wife with drug mixture, court told. By MURRAY DAVID.
397 words
16 June 1998
Courier Mail
(c) 1998 Queensland Newspapers Pty Ltd
A MAN allegedly gave his pregnant wife a lethal mixture of drugs before weighing her body down in a dam, the Supreme Court at Toowoomba was told yesterday.
The man, a committed Jehovah's Witness, had contacted police and newspapers claiming his wife had gone missing, the court was told.
Ian Patrick Reilly, 37, has pleaded not guilty to a charge of murdering his wife Sylvia, 35, at Toowoomba between August 27 and September 22, 1997.
Crown prosecutor Paul Rutledge yesterday told the court a fisherman found Mrs Reilly's naked body at Perseverance Dam, 50km north east of Toowoomba, three weeks after she disappeared.
The woman, who was about four months pregnant, had been dumped in the dam after being tied to two Besser Blocks, Mr Rutledge said.
A post mortem found no injuries that could have caused her death, but blood and tissue tests revealed she had ingested three anti-depressants - Aropax, Parnate and Effexor, the court heard.
Her husband had been prescribed the drugs for depression in the preceding month Mr Rutledge said.
A search of the couple's Price Lane house found Besser Blocks matching the two used to weigh down Mrs Reilly's body, he said. The rope used to tie the bricks to her body appeared to be the same rope Mrs Reilly had used to make curtains, the court was told.
Mr Rutledge said Reilly had contacted police on Sunday, August 31, claiming his wife had gone missing after leaving for Caboolture to see her mother on the Thursday. The court was told Mrs Reilly had never arrived at her mother's house and McCafferty's bus staff could not recall her boarding a bus.
The court was told a Mitre 10 hardware worker would give evidence that the couple had come into the store together to pay a bill on the Friday, a day after she was supposed to have disappeared.
In a police interview played to the court, Reilly said he had a loving relationship with his wife and both were devoted Jehovah's Witness members who had been in full-time ministry until they opened a furniture business. They had only been away from each other twice for a few days during their 15-year marriage.
The trial continues today.Can't post urls but hear is one story
Luo bou to
Yes About 15 years ago Toowoomba Australia A brother was on a TV pro-gramme pleading for anyone to come forward re his wifes disappearance. He was convicted and jailed when they found her body in a lake weighed down by concrete blocks Her parents his in-laws (prominent family in Caboolture) supported his claim of innocence saying he was framed by persons unknown that wanted to discredit the Organization because he was a JW. Last I heard he remarried
I recently said something pretty outrageous on this forum, and no one called me on it.
by SixofNine in.
the truth is, dingos are never cool.
canis lupus lookin' muerrfukkahs.....
Luo bou to
What's the difference between sixonine's post and a bucket of shit?